The Positive Birth Program
Course Outline
Unit 1: Creating and Maintaining a Positive Mindset​
Introduction to the positive mindset of Hypnobirthing
How our brain is wired to birth
The role of our caregivers
Mind & body connection
What is self-hypnosis and how will we use it for birthing?
Our hormones are our friends
The amazing uterus - understanding the physiology
behind birthing
Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome
Causes of Fear (including history) and how it affects our
labour -
Reprogramming the subconscious
Our support team
Birthing environment
Language for empowered birthing
The power of affirmations
Unit 2: Our Toolkit for Birth​
Self-hypnosis tracks
Birth music
Conditioning with scent
Hypnotic anchors and triggers
Releasing endorphins through massage and touch
Acupressure techniques for pregnancy, birth &
Visualisations for pregnancy, labour & birth
The importance of facial relaxation
Relaxation breathing - a skill for life
Surge breathing - the best tool ever!
Techniques to help make your surges more comfortable
The 'urge' to push/bear down - breathing / bearing down
Instant relaxation techniques
Unit 3: Preparation & Choices for Empowered Birthing​
Bonding with baby
Birth preferences - having open communication with your caregivers
Knowledge is power - researching common interventions and procedures
Questions to ask to assist you in making informed decisions
Birth partner as advocate
'Guess date' - a normal range of pregnancy
Inductions - things you're not always told
Achieving a natural start to labour
Maintaining a healthy diet
Preparing the body - staying active
Optimising baby's position
Breech or Posterior - options & positions
Self-hypnosis, meditations, deep relaxation techniques & scripts
Unit 4: Birth - Bringing it all Together​
What to expect in the weeks and days leading up to birth
Signs that labour is starting
What to expect through labour (membranes releasing etc.)
When to call the midwife / go to the hospital
Accidental home / car birth - what to do!
Birth partners role
Common procedures
Using water during labour and birth
Upright positioning, movement and birth positions
Special circumstances (including cesarean birth)
Fear release
Cord clamping & placenta delivery
Undisturbed bonding & breastfeeding time - skin to skin
What to expect afterwards
Self-hypnosis - Rehearsal for Birth
A practice routine - preparation for birth