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  • Writer's pictureKate Walton

My 7 Top Tips to Preparing & Communicating Your Birth Preferences / Birth Plan

In this blog post we are going to delve into the world of birth preferences and how you can communicate your preferences to your care providers.

First, let's look at the history of birth preferences. They use to be called 'birth plans' and I'm sure many people still call them that, but let's be realistic - birth (just like conception), is not something that can be 'planned' for, it's unique and different each and every time and there is no rule book. Preferences however can give your providers an understanding of your hopes and wishes that has some room for flexibility if a special circumstance or medical necessity comes up.

Here Are My Top Tips For Writing Birth Preferences;

  1. Be Flexible This might sound a bit surprising or negative coming from a Mind+Body Therapist and Hypnobirthing Childbirth Educator, but I'm calling it. If you have in your mind that your birth has to go, look, sound, feel, turn out one specific way, and it doesn't turn out exactly as you hoped, then this will leave a lot of room for you to feel 'birth trauma'. I'm definitely not saying, don't be positive, what I am saying is be flexible and realistic. You want to come out of it emotionally ok, even if things don't go according to plan. Regardless of what twists and turns your birth takes, preparing for a positive birth is about getting educated, knowing your option in different circumstances and preparing yourself appropriately.

  2. Include a Cover Letter Provide a cover letter to your care provider, requesting them to read through your preferences and let you know whether they have any issues with anything noted and to bring any concerns up with you at their earliest convenience along with alternative options or suggestions that it doesn't cause any last minute stress in your birth.

  3. Get to Know Your Options / Get Educated! Some hopsitals will have a birth preferences template where you can choose what you're prefered options are, however if your hospital doesn't (it's usually midwifery group practice that will have these), then get yourself educated by an Independent Childbirth Education Course, like our Positive Birth Program. This will give you a good understanding of all the different options available to you in ALL different types of birth including cesarean birth.

  4. Break it Down Into Sections The preferences that you have in birth start before you go into labour and continue after your baby is born, so break it down into sections. This will ensure you're covering all bases and all types of possibilities in your birth. It also will make it easier for your care providers to read and understand it. Include; Prior to admission, for admission, during labour, during birth, after birth, Emergency Cesarean, Immunisations and Special Care.

  5. Understand the Research Should your care provider have an issue with any items on your birth preferences, ask questions so you can get an understanding of if it's a hospital policy issue or if it is your care providers personal beliefs/preferences. You can ask for the research that backs up policy or care provider preference (answers like "it will double the risk" is not a good enough answer, ask for the statistical rates, this will give you a better understanding of risk). You can then make an informed decision to change your preferences or change provider or hospital.

  6. Learn to Advocate for Yourself Advocating for yourself isn't about being disagreeable or being a painful client, it's about respecting yourself enough to know you are worthy of respectful care. Ask questions, don't put up with coercive language. Ensure that you are being viewed and cared for as a unique individual, not generalised in a statistical range of women who are pregnant. Ask questions, do your research, ask for the evidence, and make informed decisions based on knowledge not on fear.

  7. Ensure Your Support People Are Onboard Once you've got your birth preferences created, ensure anyone who is providing you with emotional and physical support on the day (birth partners, doulas, parents, sisters, friend etc.) know what your preferences are and why you are requesting them. At the end of the day these are the people who are going to be advocating for you during the main event and if they don't understand why or what things mean then your birth preferences may go out the window completely.

Would you like to receive a copy of my birth preferences template? Comment and I'll send it through to you.


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